What Happens In My Body When I Lose Weight ?

Loss of fat, muscle, water and even toxins … What exactly happens in our body when we shed a few pounds? Your scale is adamant: you have lost weight! Good news for many of us… But what is behind this “weight loss”? Not just fat loss, that’s for sure! Water losses Our body is made up of more than 60% water… When we lose weight, we inevitably lose water . This will be mainly eliminated from our body through urine, but also through perspiration. Sweat thus remains 99% water! >>>Learn how to lose 3 to 4 pounds in week <<< Fat loss Rest assured, “losing weight” also means “losing fat” … This fat is stored in cells called “ adipocytes “ or “fat cells”. Together, they form adipose tissue. The loss of fat mass results from the oxidation of these cells … Losing weight does not reduce the number of cells present in adipose tissue … but reduces their volume! So, no matter how many pounds you lose, the number of cells will stay the same… They’ll jus...