What Happens In My Body When I Lose Weight ?

Are you unhappy with your figure and would like to get rid of a few extra pounds? But do you lack the time, or even the motivation to follow a regular physical activity program? You are far from being the only one! More and more people are trying to lose weight without engaging in exercise. And it’s possible thanks to our 7 tips for losing weight without exercise.
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To “lose weight without exercise”, you must first prepare yourself mentally for the essential steps to take. It is impossible to lose weight without changing your eating habits. If you don’t feel like you can change your habits right now, take the time you need to prepare for it.
The best way to mentally prepare to transform your body is communicating with others. Explain your goal to your partner, friends or anyone you trust. Ask for their support. With the support of those around you, it’s easier for you to lose weight without exercising.
At first glance, creating a calorie deficit may not seem easy, but it is actually not that complicated with a balanced diet. Indeed, reducing your calorie consumption does not mean eating less.
It’s about finding the right diet. A balanced combination of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and an optimal water intake form the ideal basis for getting lean without exercising.
The best way to lose weight without strict diet and exercise is to eat less carbohydrate (15%), but more protein (50%) and healthy fats (35%) .
Within the body, carbohydrates are the primary suppliers of energy. As part of a regular diet, carbohydrates are responsible for half of the calories consumed. If the carbohydrate intake is reduced, as is the case during a Low Carb diet , without being replaced by foods rich in protein or fat, the body then consumes its fat reserves. This is one of the keys to losing weight without exercising. It’s not about eating less, but rather choosing the right foods to put on your plate.
There are various food substances which are more or less well assimilated and transformed by the body . This means that certain foods are assimilated quickly by the body and thus generate little storage of calories. These are for example proteins and foods rich in water.
Other foods are fully assimilated and the energy load remains in the body — what is not used turns into fat stores . Fats and carbohydrates, for example, are quickly transformed into energy. Certain foods stimulate the metabolism and cause the food to be consumed quickly and in its entirety for distribution throughout the body. They promote weight loss without slimming diet or Exercise. These foods can come from any food group: fruits, vegetables, spices and more.
Eggs: protein intake helps maintain muscle mass. Building muscle mass makes it easier for the body to burn fat. The legend that you can only eat one egg a week has long been disproved. Dieticians now claim that eating an egg a day is safe.
Garlic: freshly grated or cut, it promotes digestion, unlike grilled or cooked garlic. If possible, it is better to give preference to untreated garlic. You can also opt for tablets and capsules made from garlic extract.
Fruits: they can quickly make you feel full, even when consumed in small quantities. The fruits are rich in vitamins and water. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are especially recommended for a healthy diet. They stimulate fat burning and are an excellent alternative to snacks in case of small hunger. The fruits can also be eaten in fruit salad at the time of the dessert. For a balanced breakfast, add low-carbohydrate foods to fruit, such as nuts.
Meat: white or red, it is a source of high quality protein. When it comes to red meat, be careful to choose lean meat, such as beef — the amount of protein it contains is particularly important. In addition to protein, white meat such as poultry also contains significant amounts of carnitine. Carnitine contributes to muscle development. Roast pork with its rind, sausage or sausages are not suitable for the low carb diet. Sausage, even if prepared especially for diets, almost always contains hidden fats.
Fish: Be sure to eat fish at least once a week, whether you are on a diet or not. Indeed, fish contains, among other things, omega fatty acids. These are easily processed by the body, they help improve cell structure and regulate digestion.
It is usually not necessary to undertake a total change in diet. Most of the time, it is simply enough to find alternatives to the cute sins that make us gain weight . Replace the morning chocolate cereal bar with an apple and a piece of dark chocolate and you will have already reduced your calorie intake.
The spicy dishes are real fat burners . There are a whole bunch of spices out there that effectively boost the metabolism. Cayenne pepper, for example, is an excellent stimulant. Often, we also tend to eat less when the dish is very spicy, which therefore reduces our calorie intake.
If you want to speed up the burning of fat in your body, all you need to do is select the right foods. Always make sure you eat a healthy and balanced breakfast . If you start your day with enough calories, you will avoid the hunger pangs that make you snack on unhealthy snacks.
If you are hungry, choose fruit with honey and some nuts instead . It is important that your calorie intake matches your personal needs. If you are at your desk all day, you are bound to need fewer calories than a trader who is standing all day.
The slimming shakes based diets are also a good way to lose weight without Exercise. Slimming shakes are a genuine and quality meal replacement: they give you all the energy you need to have a good day and are suitable for anyone with a hectic schedule.
There are many tablets and capsules currently on the market that can help you lose weight. You can lose weight quickly without Exercise thanks to appetite suppressant tablets for example. They are generally composed of plant extracts and cut short the cravings for unhealthy snacks. The carb blockers for their capture carbohydrates assimilated through food and eliminate those that have not been digested. The appetite suppressant can also contribute to weight loss. These are made up of natural substances causing an anticipated feeling of satiety.
Spicy meals or a reduction in carbohydrate intake may help you lose weight, but if you want to speed up fat burning, regular and abundant hydration is necessary . First of all, choose cold drinks. The body expends significantly more energy to process cool liquids.
Cold unsweetened water or decaffeinated tea are particularly recommended. Fruit juices, on the other hand, contain a lot of calories, which obviously also applies to sugary drinks. Also, try to give up alcohol . If you can’t avoid it, just drink a glass of wine or beer, but avoid alcohol mixes and cocktails.
The vegetable juice drinks are great . They quickly provide an excellent feeling of satiety and a single drink can work effectively for several hours. A glass of vegetable juice has about a hundred calories less than a full meal.
The semi-skimmed milk may also contribute to a balanced diet. It contains among other things calcium, proteins and little fat. As a replacement for milk, you can use coconut milk, which is also high in energy without being caloric. The same goes for coconut water. For baking, you can use coconut flour which doesn’t have as many carbohydrates as wheat flour.
>>Click here to learn how to lose 3 to 4 pounds in a week<<
If you want to lose weight without exercising, you can do a few simple things on a daily basis that will help you burn calories. The current generations are becoming more and more sedentary. We spend the day at the office and the evening on the sofa. We take the car even for the smallest trips. Simple changes in your habits allow you to be more active on a daily basis : going up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, going for a walk during the lunch break, using the bike instead of the car.
The chores can also make a difference and help you consume calories (values for 30 minutes)
But first of all, try to be more active during your workday. Once an hour, walk around your desk or do some stretching in your chair. These exercises not only give you new energy but also do good for your back and your neck.
Stress and overweight are linked. A stress study conducted by Techniker Krankenkasse (a German health insurance company) highlights this conclusion in 2016: 23% of Germans “frequently” feel stressed and 38% “sometimes” feel stressed. In other words: around 60% of German society is more or less stressed. These figures agree with those for obesity: according to the 13th food report by the German Nutrition Organization “74.2% of men are overweight at the end of their working life, compared to 56.3 % of women.
Of course, we can not infer a cause-and-effect relationship from these statistics . However, medicine has observed that stress causes the production of cortisol , the stress hormone. The latter also has the function of waking us up in the morning. In dangerous situations, it produces rapidly available energy from the body’s own reserves, which allows us to act quickly. In such situations, other functions such as digestion are then relayed in the background.
Currently, cortisol has largely lost its primary mission: we no longer solve stressful situations with physical reactions. Thus we do not immediately consume cortisol and more particularly the energy that results from it. The released glucose remains in the blood and the body responds by secreting insulin . The latter in turn causes fat storage and prevents the body from consuming this fat.
Stress causes another problem : we do not take the time to eat or eat too much too fast and often unhealthy, too fatty or too sweet foods. However, these calorie bombs are particularly fatal in times of stress, because our metabolism believes that it needs a lot of energy quickly. This is just an illusion and we store all of this energy as fat.
Freeing yourself from stress not only helps your body prepare for the diet, it also helps your mind stick to the eating plan.
It is perfectly possible to lose weight without exercising. However, you should not focus on reducing calories, at the risk of gaining weight very quickly when you resume your normal habits: this is the yo-yo effect.
It is essential to change your habits . To increase fat burning , we recommend simple sports exercises. Yoga or cycling are perfect for this.
First and foremost, include healthy foods and fat burners in your menus . Be sure to reduce your intake of sugars and any other carbohydrates. A good lifestyle not only makes you shed extra pounds, it also helps you feel better in your body and in your head.
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